Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chapter 17

1. Explain how Atticus is trying to get to Mr. Ewell and Mr. Tate.
2. Discuss how far people would go to arrest a AA.
3. Look at page 178, last paragraph, discuss how Scout is thinking.
4. Imagine you are in this court and you are Atticus, in what way would you protect Tom?

Literary Luminary:

Page 170 paragraph 3. This paragraph made me think of how the Ewells and the black people wasn't different their environment was pretty much the same.
Page 175 quote "No I mean her physical condition. Did you not think the nature of her warranted meducal attention?" I picked it because i think that Atticus was the first person to pay atenton to this information.
Page 177 paragraph 1. This passage was interesting for me to read because when i read that she said it was a bad idea to ask questions they already knew the answer to, it made me wonder if Atticus was going to to do so.
Page 178 last paragraph. I chose this passage because i agree with Atticus that it might have been Mr. Ewell that hurt Mayella and it just something to thing about.

In the chapter Atticus is asking questions on who rapped Mayella. He first questioned the sheriff since he was one of the first people who saw Mayella after she was raped. Atticus was just trying to prove that Tom Robinson was not the one who raped her. Mayella was beaten really hard, her right eye was bruised. Then Mayella’s father, Bob Ewell was questioned by Atticus, because Atticus thought that Mr. Ewell could have hurt his daughter. Then Atticus realized that there is way he could have hurt her. But then Scout thinks Tom Robinson could have still beaten her because he is a big man.

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