Sunday, February 28, 2010
Chapter 8
1. How does Jem feel when he finished his snowman?
2. Why did Scout use the word "nigger" at page 66? How did you feel?
3. Explain Miss Maudie feelings in this chapter.
4. What do you think about Miss Maudie reaction?
5. What is Miss Maudie feelings to Miss Crawford?
Literary Luminary: Page 64 paragraph 2. This passage tel me that Atticus knows more than he want to tell, and that they should be careful with him. Page 65 paragraph. This paragraph shows me that religion and people are aways trusted, and that Scout does not expect someone to lie about religion. Page 71 paragraph 4. I chose this passage because it made me wonders about what Miss Maudie was thinking. Page 73 paragraph 2. I chose this paragraph because Miss Maudie doesn't seem worried at all, and she being really positive about it.
Chapter 7

1. Why is Scout still so eager to learn about reading and writing ?
2. How would you feel if somebody is hiding a secret for a long time? Would you have the same reaction as Scout?
3. After reading the last paragraph, page 61, why do you think the author write, "[...]said Jem carefully[...]"?
4. After what Atticus said about the tree, why did Mr. Radley Junior say that his tree was dying?
5.Can you explain Atticus' reaction about the tree?
Literary Luminary:
Page 57 paragraph 1. I chose this passage because she says that she been trying to do what Atticus told her to do, but she's also respecting Jem and not pushing him. Page 59 paragraph 4. I picked this paragraph because I enjoyed the way how the author described the seasons change. Page 61 paragraph 2. This passage kind of told that the watch was something important in the family especially to Jem. Page 63 last paragraph. This passage makes me wonder about what happend that night when Jem went to get his pants. Why was he crying?
The knot-whole in which Jem and Scout find all these goodies is symbolism of a treasure chest. They kept finding someone elses treasure in there without thinking what could happen if they were caught. The cool thing was it kept filling up again the next time that they passed it. When they finaly want to thank the anonymous person who was giving them all this stuuf the next morning the hole gets filled in. That was unfortunate for Jem and Scout.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Chapter 6

Literary Luminary: Page 50-51 paragraph 4. I picked this passage because I like the way they described the water dripping of the leaves and onti the ground. Page 53 paragraph 4. When Scout saw a shadow she described it with the moon "bathing" the porch in it's light, I though it was nicely written. Page 56 paragraph 8. I chos e this passage because thought about when Jem said before that he didn't want to get whipped and Scout didn't understand why he was doin gthe things he did this way.
Scout wants to know what Jem and Dill are up to but they are reluctant in telling her so.
They would rather have her stay out and be a "girl" because they don't trust her. This sort of thing has happened to me before when my older siblings were whispering something and then when I had asked them what they were doing they just refused to tell. I obviously knew they didn't trust me because they thought that I would just get them into trouble. I felt left out and Scout is kind of going through the same thing.
Chapter 5

Discussion Questions:
1. What is the connection between miss Maudie and Scout?
2.What do you think Atticus thought about the play the kids preformed?
3.How do feel when you read what Jem and Dill say Scout? Did you have the same experience?
4.What could say that the main ideas of this chapter are?
5.Make a prediction about what the children will do next.
Literary Luminary:
Page 41 paragraph 2. I like this passage because it was amusing how Dill is in “love” with Scout and then ignores her. I also like that she is beating him up and that he slowly grows closer to Jem. Page 42 paragraph 7. I picked this paragraph because I feel it’s important to the book and that it has a metaphor in it. Page 43 paragraph 2. I really liked this paragraph because I had a nice description of what summertime was like on a calm day. Page 45 paragraph 7. I picked this passage because it also taught us something new about Stephanie Crawford and she gave us a view of what she thought of Boo Radley.
Picture: In this picture you see that Jem is being disciplined by Atticus. We chose this picture because we see that Atticus is a man that respects people their privacy.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Chapter 4

Chapter 4 is about how Dill comes back. When he comes back, they had no school that day. Jem told him about the Radleys and how Mrs. Radley had money and was beautiful before she married Mr. Radley. Jem continued by saying that Mrs. Radley has no finger because of her son Boo, he bit it off because he didn’t find any more squirrels and cats. Then Jem said that they can play the game of being the Radleys, so they did.
Literary Luminary:
Page 37 paragraph 1. I chose this passage because I like Jem's strong belief in the "Hot Steams"and that he's sort of trying to scare Dill and Scout. Page 36 paragraph 1. I liked the way Scout said that Dill way someone really glorious just for the things many people do casually these days. Page 35 paragraph 5. I chose this passage because it was something else that sort of contributed to the "Maycomb Code"and it was telling the things that is okay to do and show a contrast with it. Page 41 last paragraph. I chose this passage because I liked the way Scout said what she heard and didnt't move it made me think about what I would do if that happend to me in that time.
Picture: This is Dill, Jem and Scout playing as the Radleys. Jem is Mr. Radley,Dill is Boo Radley and Scout is the once beautiful Mrs. Radley. Their little play shows the kids point of view of the Radleys. Maybe exaggerated but interesting because it shows the innocence of children.
Chapter 3

This chapter talks about how Walter came and had lunch with the others, but Calpurnia told the kids that we treat him as a guest. The next day the teacher was talking to Burris but then was disrespectful to her. He had lice so the teacher told him to go and take a bath but he doesn’t care. So then Little Chuck Little a boy there told her teacher he is one of the Ewells, they come the first day of the year and never come back again till next year. They are said to live like animals. Then Scout told her dad that she doesn’t want to go to school, but her dad didn’t answer her.
Literary Luminary:
Page 24-25 paragraph 8. I chose this passage because Calpurnia is telling Scout not to judge people by their looks. During that time that was done alot it didn't really matter so much where you born but hw you looked and she gave a clear and srtong opinion about it. Page 26 paragraph 9. This passage showes that Mrs. Caroline doesn't really know what goes on and that she expects that everything really affordable for these people. Page 27 paragraph 6. I liked this paragraph because it was it was a good explaination and example of how things go in Maycomb. It also showed that Mrs. caroline is shocked and cleary needs to learn alot from her students. Page 30 paragraph 1. Atticus made a point that really stood out to me in this paragraph. Sometimes you really do have to put yourself in someone else's shoes if you want to understand them.
Picture: In the picture above you see Burris. He is a Ewell,a very rude and dirty boy. His entire family is poor and has been neglected by the entire society. They don't need obey to all of the rules because its different and harder for them. The way I pictured Burris is like some kids I've seen on T.V. from Darfur. They look poor and desperate just like Burris and maybe because of their social status he doesn't care about what otherthink and is mean to them.
Chapter 2

In chapter 2, Dill goes and Scout had to start school. The teacher Miss Caroline Fisher introduces herself to the children, and then since she liked to read cat books, she started reading to the class. Miss Caroline then asked Scout to read the alphabets to her since she knew her name. Scout read it so then Miss Caroline told scout to no let her dad teach her. Scout told her teacher that her dad didn’t teach her, but the teacher didn’t believe her. She then told the teacher that Walter a kid is from the Cunningham, they are not that rich so they never get lunch and don’t pay back with money.
Literary Luminary:
Page 15 1st paragraph 2nd chapter. I like this passage because I showed how much Scout was longing to go to school and she was excited to go there after the summer and always seeing her brother and other kids play there. Page 17 paragraph 7. This passage interested me because the teacher was new and she didn’t understand how Maycomb worked and this was a great example for it. Page 21 paragraph 2. This paragraph gave us a view of how the Great Depression was for the farmers and other farm folk.
Picture: We chose this picture because it shows how much Walter Cunningham stood out of the class and that he was much more poorer than the rest of class.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1 introduces the Finches to Maycomb. The author after that starts adding new character like: Jem, Atticus, Will, the Radleys..., and he also give us a description on Maycomb. Finally he writes about how the Radleys are scary, and there house is kind of like a haunted house. No one goes there because kids think they have a boy that is a monster.
Literary Luminary:
Page 5 and paragraph 3. We chose this paragraph because the author did a great job describing Maycomb. It made me feel like I was actually there.Page 6 paragraph 3. I liked this paragraph because it was very informative about Scout and her family. Page 9 paragraph 2. We chose this passage because it was informative and well written. I like the way she says these things as if they were a fact and that it was something everyone should know. Page 6 paragraph 5. We chose this paragraph because it was kind of funny and i liked how Scout said that Mrs. Dubose was "plain hell."
We chose this picture because it's what I think of the Radley's house. It is frightening and unpleasant like the Radley's themselves. This House is sybolism of the Radley's.