This chapter talks about how Walter came and had lunch with the others, but Calpurnia told the kids that we treat him as a guest. The next day the teacher was talking to Burris but then was disrespectful to her. He had lice so the teacher told him to go and take a bath but he doesn’t care. So then Little Chuck Little a boy there told her teacher he is one of the Ewells, they come the first day of the year and never come back again till next year. They are said to live like animals. Then Scout told her dad that she doesn’t want to go to school, but her dad didn’t answer her.
Literary Luminary:
Page 24-25 paragraph 8. I chose this passage because Calpurnia is telling Scout not to judge people by their looks. During that time that was done alot it didn't really matter so much where you born but hw you looked and she gave a clear and srtong opinion about it. Page 26 paragraph 9. This passage showes that Mrs. Caroline doesn't really know what goes on and that she expects that everything really affordable for these people. Page 27 paragraph 6. I liked this paragraph because it was it was a good explaination and example of how things go in Maycomb. It also showed that Mrs. caroline is shocked and cleary needs to learn alot from her students. Page 30 paragraph 1. Atticus made a point that really stood out to me in this paragraph. Sometimes you really do have to put yourself in someone else's shoes if you want to understand them.
Picture: In the picture above you see Burris. He is a Ewell,a very rude and dirty boy. His entire family is poor and has been neglected by the entire society. They don't need obey to all of the rules because its different and harder for them. The way I pictured Burris is like some kids I've seen on T.V. from Darfur. They look poor and desperate just like Burris and maybe because of their social status he doesn't care about what otherthink and is mean to them.
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