1. Do you think Tom is telling Atticus the truth? Why or why not?
2. Discuss why does Mayella "jumped" on Tom?
3. How comes that Mayella did not think that her act was going to "beat her up"?
4. Would you choose Atticus to protect you if you were in a court room?
Literary Luminary:
Page 192 paragraph 1. I liked how Scout knew how to tell when weren't lying.
Page194 paragraph 2. This showed me that Mayella was really lonely because it was not really excepted in tat time and to be so willing to do so made it really clear.
Page 196 quote, "Mr. Finch, if you was a nigger like me, you'd be scared too." I like how he's saying that honestly and he is also saying he know he's not treated well and this would be worse.
Tom Robinson is last person that is questioned. He told the jury that he went to Mayella’s house many times so he can help her and fix stuff for her. Then he said she tried paying him but he didn’t want any money so she didn’t. After that he said that she wanted to kiss him and he didn’t want to so he tried moving her without any harm so her father sees her and then Tom Robinson runs away so he doesn’t have any trouble. Then he tells Mr. Gilmore that he helps her because he feels sorry for her. Dill after that starts crying because he feels bad for Tom Robinson.
Tom Robinson is undergoing a very critical process of cross-examination by Mr Gilmer. Mr Gilmer is very mean according to Scout's point of view in the way he is questioning the defendant Tom Robinson. Dill points out that Atticus didn't treat Mayella that way during her cross-examination. Atticus called "Miss" just to be polite. Both lawyers have thier own way,path, or road. Atticus treats all the defendants that he questions with respect and Mr Gilmer doesn't neccesarily most of the time. These two's behaviours toward their defendants are parallel in court.
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