Literary Luminary:
Page 273 paragraph 2. I like this passage because the way how Scout can tell that her father and the Sheriff are both stubborn with one other.
Page 275 quote, "I'm not a very good man, sir,but I am the sheriff of Maycomb County." I chose this because I like the way how Mr. Tate can live up to his name, how he does reconize his past faults, and how he still knows when does do something right.
Page 276 quote, "Let the dead bury the dead this time." This is a importan sentence to me. Heck is insistant that Jem did not kill Bob Ewell and how he is trying to convince Atticus of it. By saying that you would think about what di you mean this time? I think it's because How Atticus is alway s trying to put a right to something and now he should know that he simply can't always do so.
Scout and Boo went and sat on the porch to talk with him. Inside Atticus and Heck were talking about what could have happened to Bob Ewell. Heck then said he must have fallen on his own knife, but Atticus said that Jem had killed him. Heck couldn’t believe that a boy that has broken arms could have done it to a grown arm. After that Heck started showing the way he thinks it happened. Heck knows that Boo is the one who stabbed Bob Ewell, but he doesn’t want to tell because he knows all the women in Maycomb will thank Boo and give him cake. Finally Atticus agrees to the story, and thanks Boo for saving his children.
As Mr. Tate and Atticus further discuss the incident Mr. Tate says he is sure that Bob Ewell killed himself by mistake. Atticus in disbeleif thinks that Jem had killed him for some reason. Atticus goes on about not being able to look his kids in the eyes if he told a lie to the rest of Maycomb to cover up the truth. Mr. Tate explains even more by tellling Atticus how it was impossible for an injured Jem to achieve such a feat. I think Mr. Tate is right and other than that Bob Ewell had it coming. He had taken an innocent life dishonestly and now it was his turn. To kill a Mockingbird is a sin and he paid for it with his life.
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